
infoj is a JSON array [of Objects] which describes the properties of a location.

"infoj": [
    "field": "name",
    "label": "Name: ",
    "type": "text"
    "label": "Label"

Each infoj array entry must describe a single property only.

The field is the datasource (PostGIS table) field to be queried for a property value to be presented in the location info.

The label will be displayed before the field value. A label without a field definition will be displayed on its own. The label will not be displayed if a field has no value and is not editable.

The type defines the nature of an entry and how the data should be displayed. "text" is the default content format.

"type" : "text"

In order to split data rows with label headers define entry as:

"type" : "label"

A text will be displayed on a new line below the label.

"type" : "textarea"

A multi-line input will be provided for an editable textarea. Otherwise the display of a textarea does not deviate from a simple text type.

"type" : "integer"

Integer will be rounded and displayed with comma delimiter.

"type" : "numeric"

Numeric values will be rounded to 2 decimal places and displayed with comma delimiter.

"type" : "date"

Dates will be displayed as a formatted string. Important: internally dates are stored as unix timestamps. The database field must be of the type bigint in order to store dates.

Dates, integer and numeric values will be displayed inline with the label. Text will displayed on a new line below the label.

"type": "boolean"

Boolean data type is displayed as a checkbox element in the location view and can be also set up as editable. Boolean data type is stored in the database as boolean.

"type" : "html"

Setting the type to html will render the field value as html rather than text.

"inline" : true

Setting the inline key in an infoj entry will force text values to be displayed inline with the label.

Special property types

"type" : "group"

Any subsequent entries can be added to a group entry.

"type" : "images"

The entry will be displayed as an image array in a scrollable table row. The entry must have edit set to true in order to upload or remove images. The database table field for image arrays must be of the type TEXT[] and have a default of '{}'::TEXT[]

A cloudinary account is required in order to upload images to the cloudinary image hosting platform. The access key for the cloudinary account must be defined in the environment settings as a 3rd party API key.

"type" : "streetview"

The entry will displayed as a Google Streetview image requested for the location of a marker. A Google API key with access to the Google Streetview service must be defined in the environment settings as a 3rd party API key.

"type" : "geometry"

A geometry associated with the location will be read from the table field and displayed in the map control together with the location's own geometry.

"type": "key"

This property displays layer name in location view.

Supporting infoj keys

"title" : "I am a tooltip"

The title will be displayed when the cursor hovers over the info entry label.

"level" : 1

The level is a class which will be assigned to the table row which holds the entry label and value. This class can be used to assign hierarchical styling to entries.

"fieldfx" : "(field_a + field_b)"

Function fields can be used to calculate a value from other fields in the same table. These fields can not be edited.

"prefix" : "$ "

"postfix" : " %"

A prefix will be added at the beginning, a postfix at the end of the displayed value. Handy for adding units to the output.

Last updated