
Additional geometries

It is possible to assign geometry fields as infoj entries.

  "field": "geom_rplace",
  "fieldfx": "ST_asGeoJson(geom_rplace)",
  "type": "geometry",
  "style": {
    "stroke": true,
    "color": "#cf0",
    "weight": 2,
    "fill": true,
    "fillOpacity": 0.5

A geojson geometry from a geometry field will be displayed with the style defined in the infoj entry. The default style will be the defined by the record itself. A fieldfx function can be used to turn PostGIS geometries into geojson on the fly.

"name": "Create isoline"

Additional geometry has its respective checkbox for creating/deleting/recreating if editing in enabled on the feature. If no editing is set the checkbox has Show/Hide function. "name" property sets label for checkbox. If unset defaults to "Additional geometries".

Last updated